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Basic Studies
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20-PRELIM-1 Calculus
20-PRELIM-3 Physics
04-BS-1 Mathematics
04-BS-2 Probability and Statistics
04-BS-3 Statics and Dynamics
04-BS-4 Electric Circuits and Power
04-BS-5 Advanced Mathematics
04-BS-6 Mechanics of Materials
04-BS-7 Mechanics of Fluids
04-BS-8 Digital Logic Circuits
04-BS-9 Basic Electromagnetics
04-BS-10 Thermodynamics
04-BS-11 Properties of Materials
04-BS-12 Organic Chemistry
04-BS-13 Biology
04-BS-14 Geology
04-BS-15 Engineering Graphics & Design Process
04-BS-16 Discrete Mathematics
Discipline Specific
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Other Disciplines
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Agricultural Group A
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04-AGRIC-A1 Applied Plant, Animal or Human Physiology
04-AGRIC-A2 Soil Physics and Mechanics
04-AGRIC-A3 Heat Engineering
04-AGRIC-A4 Fluid Flow
04-Agric-A5 Principles of Instrumentation
04-Agric-A6 Physical Properties of Biological Materials and Food Products
04-AGRIC-A7 Chemistry and Microbiology of Foods
Agricultural Group B
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04-AGRIC-B1 Systems Engineering and Materials Handling
04-AGRIC-B2 Structural Design for Agricultural, Biosystems and Food Industries
04-AGRIC-B3 Machine Design for Agricultural, Biosystems, and Food Industries
04-AGRIC-B5 Power Units for Agricultural, Biosystems, and Food Industries
04-Agric-B6 Irrigation, Drainage and Erosion Control / Irrigation, drainage et contrôle de l’érosion
04-AGRIC-B7 Principles of Hydrology
04-AGRIC-B8 Food Processing Part 1
04-AGRIC-B9 Food Processing Part 2
04-AGRIC-B10 Biochemical Engineering
04-AGRIC-B11 Principles of Waste Management
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Biomedical Group A
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04-BIO-A1 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
04-BIO-A2 Process Dynamics and Control
04-BIO-A3 Cellular and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
04-Bio-A4 Biomechanics
04-BIO-A6 Anatomy and Physiology
04-BIO-A7 Fluid Mechanics
04-BIO-A8 Biophysical Measurements
Biomedical Group B
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04-BIO-B4 Digital Image Processing
04-BIO-B5 Cell and Tissue Engineering
04-BIO-B6 Bioinstrumentation
04-BIO-B7 Robotics and Manufacturing Automation
04-BIO-B8 Rehabilitation Engineering
04-BIO-B10 Analytical Biochemistry
04-BIO-B11 Ergonomics
04-BIO-B12 Applied Optics/Photonics
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Building Group A
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07-Bld-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
07-Bld-A2 Elementary Structural Design
07-Bld-A3 Construction Engineering
07-Bld-A4 Building Engineering Systems
07-Bld-A5 Building Science
07-Bld-A6 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
07-BLD-A7 Building Envelope Design
Building Group B
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07-Bld-B1 Computer Programming
07-Bld-B4 Modern Building Material
07-Bld-B5 Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings
07-Bld-B6 Building Energy Conservation Technologies
07-Bld-B7 Indoor Air Quality
07-BLD-B9 Building Services
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Computer Group A
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17-Comp-A1 Electronics
17-COMP-A2 Digital Systems Design
17-COMP-A3 Computer Architecture
17-Comp-A4 Program Design and Data Structures
17-COMP-A5 Operating Systems
17-COMP-A6 Software Engineering
Computer Group B
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17-Comp-B1 Advanced Computer Architecture
17-Comp-B2 Principles of VLSI
17-Comp-B3 Data Bases and File Systems
17-COMP-B5 Computer Communications
17-COMP-B6 Computer Control and Robotics
17-COMP-B8 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
17-COMP-B10 Distributed Systems
17-Comp-B11 Advanced Software Design
Forest Engineering
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04-For-A1 Forest Engineering Operations
04-For-A3 Forest Soils
04-For-A4 Forest Management
04-For-A5 Forest Hydrology
04-For-A6 Silviculture
04-For-B1 Structural Analysis And Design
04-For-B7 Transportation Of Forest Products
Geology (Geoscience)
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Geomatics Group A
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18-GEOM-A1 Surveying
18-GEOM-A2 Adjustment of Observations and Data Analysis
18-GEOM-A3 Geodesy and Positioning
18-GEOM-A4 Photogrammetry
18-GEOM-A5 Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
18-GEOM-A6 Cadastral Studies
18-Geom-A7 Geospatial Information Systems
Geomatics Group B
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18-Geom-B1 Digital Terrain Modelling
18-GEOM-B2 Satellite Navigation
18-GEOM-B3 Networks and Precise Engineering Surveys
18-Geom-B4 Hydrography
18-Geom-B5 Survey Law
18-Geom-B6 Land Use Planning and Environmental Management
Geophysics (Geoscience)
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20-GOPH-2A.3 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
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Manufacturing Group A
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08-MFG-A1 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
08-MFG-A2 Manufacturing Processes
08-MFG-A3 Production Management
08-MFG-A4 Analysis & Design of Work
08-MFG-A5 Facilities Planning
08-MFG-A6 Quality Planning, Control, and Assurance
08-MFG-A7 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Manufacturing Group B
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04-MFG-B1 Computer Aided Design and Computer-Assisted Manufacturing
08-MFG-B3 System Simulation
08-MFG-B4 Product Design and Development
08-MFG-B5 Engineering Materials
08-MFG-B6 Metrology
08-MFG-B8 Robotics Mechanics
08-MFG-B9 Industrial Safety and Health
08-MFG-B10 Tooling, Jigs & Fixture Design
08-MFG-B11 Fluid Machinery
08-MFG-B12 Ergonomics
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Marine Group A
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98-MAR-A1 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
98-MAR-A2 Fundamentals of Naval Architecture
98-MAR-A3 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
98-MAR-A4 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
98-MAR-A5 Advanced Strength of Materials
98-MAR-A6 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
98-MAR-A7 Marine Engineering
Marine Group B
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98-MAR-B1 Advanced Machine Design
98-MAR-B2 Environmental Control in Ships
98-MAR-B3 System Analysis and Control
98-MAR-B4 Ship Production and Shipyard Management
98-MAR-B5 Fluid Machinery
98-MAR-B6 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
98-MAR-B7 Maritime Management
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Materials Group A
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12-MTL-A1 Materials Thermodynamics
12-MTL-A2 Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering
12-MTL-A3 Structure and Characterization of Materials
12-MTL-A4 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
12-MTL-A5 Phase Transformations of Metals, Glasses and Ceramics
12-MTL-A6 Thermal Treatment of Metals, Glasses, and Ceramics
Materials Group B
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12-MTL-B1 Mineral Processing
12-MTL-B2 Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy
12-MTL-B3 Ironmaking and Steelmaking
12-MTL-B5 Metal Fabrication
12-MTL-B6 Physical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel
12-MTL-B7 Physical Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals & Alloys
10-MTL-B9 Structure and Properties of Polymers
12-Mtl-B10 Advanced Electronic Materials
12-MTL-B11 Corrosion and Oxidation
12-Mtl-B15 Joining of Material
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Mechatronics Group A
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16-MEX-A1 System Analysis and Control
16-MEX-A2 Circuits and Electronics
16-MEX-A3 Digital Systems and Computers
16-MEX-A4 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
16-MEX-A5 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
16-MEX-A6 System Simulation
Mechatronics Group B
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16-MEX-B1 Signals & Communications
16-MEX-B2 Advanced Control Systems
16-MEX-B3 Advanced Control Systems
16-MEX-B4 Acoustics and Noise Control
16-MEX-B5 Robotics Mechanics
16-MEX-B6 Power Electronics and Drives
16-MEX-B7 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
16-MEX-B8 Product Design and Development
16-MEX-B9 Integrated Manufacturing Systems
16-MEX-B10 Power Systems and Machines
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Metallurgical Group A
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10-MET-A1 Metallurgical Thermodynamics
10-MET-A2 Metallurgical Rate Phenomena
10-MET-A3 Metal Extraction Processes
10-MET-A4 Structure of Materials
10-MET-A5 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
10-MET-A6 Thermal Treatment of Metals and Alloys
10-MET-A7 Corrosion and Oxidation
Metallurgical Group B
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10-MET-B1 Mineral Processing
10-Met-B2 Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy
10-Met-B3 Ironmaking and Steelmaking
10-Met-B5 Metal Fabrication
10-MET-B6 Physical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel
10-MET-B7 Physical Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals & Alloys
10-MET-B9 Structure and Properties of Polymers
10-MET-B10 Advanced Electronic Materials
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Naval Group A
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16-NAV-A1 Fundamentals of Naval Architecture
16-NAV-A2 Hydrodynamics of Ships (I): Resistance and Propulsion
16-NAV-A3 Hydrodynamics of Ships (II): Ship Motion
16-NAV-A4 Ship Structure and Strength of Ships
16-NAV-A5 Ship Design
16-NAV-A6 Advanced Strength of Materials
Naval Group B
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16-NAV-B1 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
98-MAR-B2 Environmental Control in Ships
16-Nav-B3 Small Commercial Ships
16-NAV-B4 Advanced Structural Analysis
16-NAV-B6 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
16-NAV-B7 Environmental Control in Ships
16-NAV-B9 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
16-NAV-B10 Finite Element Analysis
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08-Nuc-A1 Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering
08-NUC-A6 Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation
08-NUC-A7 Process Dynamics and Control
08-NUC-B8 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
08-NUC-B9 Energy Conversion and Power Generation
08-NUC-B10 Fluid Machinery
08-NUC-B11 Power Systems and Machines
08-NUC-B12 Power Systems Engineering
Engineering Physics
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Physics Group A
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17-Phys-A1 Classical Mechanics
17-Phys-A2 Statistical Physics
17-PHYS-A3 Signals & Communications
17-PHYS-A4 Quantum Mechanics
17-PHYS-A5-A Electronic Materials and Devices
17-PHYS-A5-B Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
17-PHYS-A6 Solid State Physics
17-PHYS-A7 Optics
Physics Group B
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17-Phys-B1 Radiation Physics
17-PHYS-B2 Electro-Optical Engineering
17-PHYS-B3 Digital Systems and Computers
17-PHYS-B4 Signals & Communications
17-PHYS-B5 Systems and Control
17-PHYS-B6 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
17-PHYS-B7 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
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Structural Group A
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07-STR-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
07-STR-A2 Elementary Structural Design
07-STR-A3 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
07-STR-A4 Advanced Structural Analysis
07-STR-A5 Advanced Structural Design
07-STR-A6-1 The Finite Element Method
07-Str-A6-3 Earthquake Engineering
Structural Group B
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07-STR-B1 Geotechnical Design
07-STR-B2 Management of Construction
07-STR-B3 The Finite Element Method
07-Str-B5 Foundation Engineering
07-STR-B6 Building Engineering and Services
07-STR-B10 Earthquake Engineering
07-STR-B11 Hydraulic Engineering
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07-Tra-A1 Introduction to Transportation Engineering
07-Tra-A2 Highway Design
07-TRA-A3 Traffic Engineering
07-Tra-A4 Pavement Materials, Design and Management
07-TRA-A6 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
07-Tra-B1 Transit System
07-TRA-B2 Intelligent Transportations Systems
07-Tra-B6 Highway Construction
07-TRA-B7 Transportation Economics
07-Tra-B9 Traffic Safety
07-TRA-B10 Geomatics
Water Resource
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WRSE Group A
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07-WRSE-A1 Water Quality & Management
07-WRSE-A2 Engineering Hydrology
07-WRSE-A3 Soil Mechanics & Groundwater
07-WRSE-A4 Hydraulic Engineering
07-WRSE-A6 Municipal and Environmental Engineering
07-Wrse-A7-1 Irrigation, Drainage and Erosion Control
07-WRSE-A7-2 Geomatics
WRSE Group B
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07-WRSE-B1 Geomorphology & Pleistocene Geology
07-WRSE-B3 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
07-WRSE-B4 Open Channel Hydraulics
07-WRSE-B6 Contaminant Transport
07-WRSE-B11 Principles of Environmental Engineering
07-WRSE-B12 Environmental Assessment & Management Systems
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Chemical Group A
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16-CHEM-A1 Process Balances and Chemical Thermodynamics
16-CHEM-A2 Unit Operations and Separation Processes
16-Chem-A3 Heat and Mass Transfer
16-CHEM-A4 Chemical Reactor Engineering
16-CHEM-A5 Chemical Plant Design and Economics
16-CHEM-A6 Process Dynamics and Control
Chemical Group B
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16-CHEM-B1 Transport Phenomena
16-CHEM-B2 Environmental Engineering
16-CHEM-B3 Simulation, Modelling, and Optimization
16-Chem-B4 Biochemical Engineering
16-CHEM-B5 Pulp and Paper Technology
16-CHEM-B6 Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
16-CHEM-B7 Extractive Metallurgy
16-CHEM-B8 Polymer Engineering
16-CHEM-B9 Advanced Materials
16-CHEM-B10 Life Cycle Assessment
16-CHEM-B12 (PEO) Corrosion and Oxidation
16-CHEM-B12 (APEGA) Petroleum Production Operations
16-CHEM-B13 (APEGA) Fundamental Reservoir Engineering
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Civil Group A
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16-CIV-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
16-CIV-A2 Elementary Structural Design
16-CIV-A3 (NTE) Elementary Environmental Engineering
16-CIV-A3 (PEO) Municipal and Environmental Engineering
16-CIV-A4 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
16-CIV-A5 Hydraulic Engineering
16-CIV-A6 Highway Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Civil Group B
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16-CIV-B1 Advanced Structural Analysis
16-CIV-B2 Advanced Structural Design
16-CIV-B3 Geotechnical Design
16-CIV-B4 Engineering Hydrology
16-CIV-B5 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
16-CIV-B6 Urban and Regional Planning
16-CIV-B7 Transportation Planning and Engineering
16-CIV-B8 Management of Construction
16-CIV-B9 The Finite Element Method
16-CIV-B10 Traffic Engineering
16-CIV-B11 Structural Materials
16-Civ-B12 Risk & Safety in Civil Engineering
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Electrical Group A
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16-ELEC-A1 Circuits
16-ELEC-A2 Systems and Control
16-ELEC-A3 Signals & Communications
16-ELEC-A4 Digital Systems and Computers
16-ELEC-A5 Electronics
16-ELEC-A6 Power Systems and Machines
16-ELEC-A7 Electromagnetics
Electrical Group B
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16-ELEC-B1 Digital Signal Processing
16-ELEC-B2 Advanced Control Systems
16-ELEC-B3 Digital Communications Systems
16-ELEC-B4 Information Technology Networks
16-ELEC-B5 Advanced Electronics
16-ELEC-B6 Integrated Circuit Engineering
16-ELEC-B7 Power Systems Engineering
16-ELEC-B8 Power Electronics and Drives
16-ELEC-B9 Electromagnetic Field, Transmission Lines, Antennas, and Radiation
16-ELEC-B10 Electro-Optical Engineering
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Environmental Group A
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18-ENV-A1 Principles of Environmental Engineering
18-ENV-A2 Hydrology and Municipal Hydraulics Engineering
18-Env-A3 Geotechnical & Hydrogeological Engineering
18-ENV-A4 Water and Wastewater Engineering
18-Env-A5 Air Quality and Pollution Control Engineering
18-Env-A6 Solid Waste Engineering & Management
Environmental Group B
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18-Env-B1 Environmental Assessment & Management Systems
18-ENV-B2 Water Resources
18-Env-B3 Contaminant Transport
18-ENV-B4 Site Assessment and Remediation
18-ENV-B5 Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management
18-ENV-B6 Agricultural Waste Management
18-ENV-B7 Environmental Sampling and Analysis
18-Env-B8 Instrumentation and Process Control
18-ENV-B9 Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
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Geological Group A
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18-GEOL-A1 Mineralogy and Petrology
18-GEOL-A2 Hydrogeology
18-GEOL-A3 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
18-GEOL-A4 Structural Geology
18-Geol-A5 Rock Mechanics
18-GEOL-A6 Soil Mechanics
18-Geol-A7 Geophysics
Geological Group B
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18-GEOL-B1 Contaminant Hydrogeology
18-Geol-B2 Terrain Analysis
18-GEOL-B3 Site Investigation
18-Geol-B4 Geomorphology & Pleistocene Geology
18-Geol-B5 Environmental Geology
18-GEOL-B6-1 Resource Geology Petroleum Deposit
18-Geol-B8 Resource Economics & Valuation
18-Geol-B9 Exploration & Mining Geology
18-Geol-B10-1 Gravity & Magnetic Fields
18-GEOL-B10-2 Electrical Methods
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Industrial Group A
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17-Ind-A1 Operations Research
17-Ind-A2 Analysis & Design of Work
17-Ind-A3 Facilities Planning
17-IND-A4 Production Management
17-Ind-A5 Quality Planning, Control, and Assurance
17-Ind-A6 System Simulation
Industrial Group B
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17-IND-B1 Applied Probability and Statistics
17-IND-B2 Manufacturing Processes
17-IND-B3 Computer Aided Design and Computer-Assisted Manufacturing
17-Ind-B4 Design of Information Systems
17-Ind-B5 Ergonomics
17-Ind-B6 Workplace Design
17-IND-B7 Financial and Managerial Accounting
17-Ind-B8 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
17-Ind-B9 Logistics: Transportation Aspects
17-IND-B10 Industrial Safety and Health
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Mechanical Group A
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16-MEC-A1 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
16-MEC-A2 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
16-MEC-A3 System Analysis and Control
16-MEC-A4 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
16-MEC-A5 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
16-MEC-A6 (PEO) Advanced Fluid Mechanics
16-MEC-A6 (NTE) Fluid Machinery
16-MEC-A7 Advanced Strength of Materials
Mechanical Group B
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16-MEC-B1 Advanced Machine Design
16-MEC-B2 Environmental Control in Buildings
16-Mec-B3 Energy Conversion and Power Generation
16-Mec-B4 Integrated Manufacturing Systems
16-MEC-B5 Product Design and Development
16-MEC-B6 (PEO) Fluid Machinery
16-MEC-B6 (NTE) Advanced Fluid Mechanics
16-MEC-B7 Aero and Space Flight
16-MEC-B8 Engineering Materials
16-MEC-B9 Advanced Engineering Structures
16-MEC-B10 Finite Element Analysis
16-MEC-B11 Acoustics and Noise Control
16-MEC-B12 Robotics Mechanics
16-MEC-B13 Biomechanics
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Mining Group A
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18-Mmp-A1 General Geology and Exploration
18-MMP-A4 Mine Evaluation and Mineral Resources Estimation
18-MMP-A5 Surface Mining Methods and Design
18-MMP-A6 Mining and the Environment
Mining Group B
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18-MMP-B1 Applied Rock Mechanics
18-MMP-B2 Rock Fragmentation
18-MMP-B3 Material Handling
18-MMP-B4 Occupational Health, Safety and Loss Management
18-MMP-B5 Mill Design and Operations
18-MMP-B6 Mill Process Control
18-MMP-B8 Mine Management and Systems Analysis
18-MMP-B9 Rock Slope Engineering
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Petroleum Group A
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17-PET-A1 Principles of Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
17-PET-A2 Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
17-PET-A3 Fundamental Reservoir Engineering
17-PET-A4 Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Completion
17-PET-A5 Petroleum Production Operations
17-PET-A6 Reservoir Mechanics
17-PET-A7 Secondary and Enhanced Recovery
Petroleum Group B
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17-PET-B1 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation
17-PET-B2 Natural Gas Engineering
17-PET-B3 Oil and Gas Evaluation and Economics
17-PET-B4 Petroleum Geology
17-PET-B5 Well Testing
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Software Group A
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19-SOFT-A1 Algorithms & Data Structures
19-Soft-A2 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
19-SOFT-A3 Software Design
19-SOFT-A5 Requirements and Specifications
19-SOFT-A6 Software Quality Assurance
19-SOFT-A7 Software Development Process
Software Group B
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19-SOFT-B2 User interface
19-SOFT-B3 Security
19-Soft-B4 Dependable System
19-Soft-B5 Software Modeling & Verification (Formal Methods)
19-Soft-B7 Reverse Engineering, Maintenance & Evolution
19-Soft-B13 Performance Analysis & Simulation
19-Soft-B17 Programming Languages, Semantics and Implementation
Complementary Studies
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11-CS-1 Engineering Economics
11-CS-2 Engineering in Society
11-CS-3 Sustainability, Engineering and the Environment
11-CS-4 Engineering Management
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Technical Exams: A Proven Path to Success In Life
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Founder – Simon Bergen-Henengouwen
For Canadian Professional Engineering Technical Exam Candidates Since 1997
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Basic Studies
20-PRELIM-1 Calculus
20-PRELIM-3 Physics
04-BS-1 Mathematics
04-BS-2 Probability and Statistics
04-BS-3 Statics and Dynamics
04-BS-4 Electric Circuits and Power
04-BS-5 Advanced Mathematics
04-BS-6 Mechanics of Materials
04-BS-7 Mechanics of Fluids
04-BS-8 Digital Logic Circuits
04-BS-9 Basic Electromagnetics
04-BS-10 Thermodynamics
04-BS-11 Properties of Materials
04-BS-12 Organic Chemistry
04-BS-13 Biology
04-BS-14 Geology
04-BS-15 Engineering Graphics & Design Process
04-BS-16 Discrete Mathematics
Discipline Specific
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Group A
04-AGRIC-A1 Applied Plant, Animal or Human Physiology
04-AGRIC-A2 Soil Physics and Mechanics
04-AGRIC-A3 Heat Engineering
04-AGRIC-A4 Fluid Flow
04-Agric-A5 Principles of Instrumentation
04-Agric-A6 Physical Properties of Biological Materials and Food Products
04-AGRIC-A7 Chemistry and Microbiology of Foods
Agricultural Group B
04-AGRIC-B1 Systems Engineering and Materials Handling
04-AGRIC-B2 Structural Design for Agricultural, Biosystems and Food Industries
04-AGRIC-B3 Machine Design for Agricultural, Biosystems, and Food Industries
04-AGRIC-B5 Power Units for Agricultural, Biosystems, and Food Industries
04-Agric-B6 Irrigation, Drainage and Erosion Control / Irrigation, drainage et contrôle de l’érosion
04-AGRIC-B7 Principles of Hydrology
04-AGRIC-B8 Food Processing Part 1
04-AGRIC-B9 Food Processing Part 2
04-AGRIC-B10 Biochemical Engineering
04-AGRIC-B11 Principles of Waste Management
Biomedical Group A
04-BIO-A1 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
04-BIO-A2 Process Dynamics and Control
04-BIO-A3 Cellular and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
04-Bio-A4 Biomechanics
04-BIO-A6 Anatomy and Physiology
04-BIO-A7 Fluid Mechanics
04-BIO-A8 Biophysical Measurements
Biomedical Group B
04-BIO-B4 Digital Image Processing
04-BIO-B5 Cell and Tissue Engineering
04-BIO-B6 Bioinstrumentation
04-BIO-B7 Robotics and Manufacturing Automation
04-BIO-B8 Rehabilitation Engineering
04-BIO-B10 Analytical Biochemistry
04-BIO-B11 Ergonomics
04-BIO-B12 Applied Optics/Photonics
Building Group A
07-Bld-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
07-Bld-A2 Elementary Structural Design
07-Bld-A3 Construction Engineering
07-Bld-A4 Building Engineering Systems
07-Bld-A5 Building Science
07-Bld-A6 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
07-BLD-A7 Building Envelope Design
Building Group B
07-Bld-B1 Computer Programming
07-Bld-B4 Modern Building Material
07-Bld-B5 Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings
07-Bld-B6 Building Energy Conservation Technologies
07-Bld-B7 Indoor Air Quality
07-BLD-B9 Building Services
Computer Group A
17-Comp-A1 Electronics
17-COMP-A2 Digital Systems Design
17-COMP-A3 Computer Architecture
17-Comp-A4 Program Design and Data Structures
17-COMP-A5 Operating Systems
17-COMP-A6 Software Engineering
Computer Group B
17-Comp-B1 Advanced Computer Architecture
17-Comp-B2 Principles of VLSI
17-Comp-B3 Data Bases and File Systems
17-COMP-B5 Computer Communications
17-COMP-B6 Computer Control and Robotics
17-COMP-B8 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
17-COMP-B10 Distributed Systems
17-Comp-B11 Advanced Software Design
Forest Engineering
04-For-A1 Forest Engineering Operations
04-For-A3 Forest Soils
04-For-A4 Forest Management
04-For-A5 Forest Hydrology
04-For-A6 Silviculture
04-For-B1 Structural Analysis And Design
04-For-B7 Transportation Of Forest Products
Geology (Geoscience)
Geomatics Group A
18-GEOM-A1 Surveying
18-GEOM-A2 Adjustment of Observations and Data Analysis
18-GEOM-A3 Geodesy and Positioning
18-GEOM-A4 Photogrammetry
18-GEOM-A5 Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
18-GEOM-A6 Cadastral Studies
18-Geom-A7 Geospatial Information Systems
Geomatics Group B
18-Geom-B1 Digital Terrain Modelling
18-GEOM-B2 Satellite Navigation
18-GEOM-B3 Networks and Precise Engineering Surveys
18-Geom-B4 Hydrography
18-Geom-B5 Survey Law
18-Geom-B6 Land Use Planning and Environmental Management
Geophysics (Geoscience)
20-GOPH-2A.3 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
Manufacturing Group A
08-MFG-A1 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
08-MFG-A2 Manufacturing Processes
08-MFG-A3 Production Management
08-MFG-A4 Analysis & Design of Work
08-MFG-A5 Facilities Planning
08-MFG-A6 Quality Planning, Control, and Assurance
08-MFG-A7 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Manufacturing Group B
04-MFG-B1 Computer Aided Design and Computer-Assisted Manufacturing
08-MFG-B3 System Simulation
08-MFG-B4 Product Design and Development
08-MFG-B5 Engineering Materials
08-MFG-B6 Metrology
08-MFG-B8 Robotics Mechanics
08-MFG-B9 Industrial Safety and Health
08-MFG-B10 Tooling, Jigs & Fixture Design
08-MFG-B11 Fluid Machinery
08-MFG-B12 Ergonomics
Marine Group A
98-MAR-A1 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
98-MAR-A2 Fundamentals of Naval Architecture
98-MAR-A3 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
98-MAR-A4 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
98-MAR-A5 Advanced Strength of Materials
98-MAR-A6 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
98-MAR-A7 Marine Engineering
Marine Group B
98-MAR-B1 Advanced Machine Design
98-MAR-B2 Environmental Control in Ships
98-MAR-B3 System Analysis and Control
98-MAR-B4 Ship Production and Shipyard Management
98-MAR-B5 Fluid Machinery
98-MAR-B6 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
98-MAR-B7 Maritime Management
Materials Group A
12-MTL-A1 Materials Thermodynamics
12-MTL-A2 Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering
12-MTL-A3 Structure and Characterization of Materials
12-MTL-A4 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
12-MTL-A5 Phase Transformations of Metals, Glasses and Ceramics
12-MTL-A6 Thermal Treatment of Metals, Glasses, and Ceramics
Materials Group B
12-MTL-B1 Mineral Processing
12-MTL-B2 Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy
12-MTL-B3 Ironmaking and Steelmaking
12-MTL-B5 Metal Fabrication
12-MTL-B6 Physical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel
12-MTL-B7 Physical Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals & Alloys
10-MTL-B9 Structure and Properties of Polymers
12-Mtl-B10 Advanced Electronic Materials
12-MTL-B11 Corrosion and Oxidation
12-Mtl-B15 Joining of Material
Mechatronics Group A
16-MEX-A1 System Analysis and Control
16-MEX-A2 Circuits and Electronics
16-MEX-A3 Digital Systems and Computers
16-MEX-A4 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
16-MEX-A5 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
16-MEX-A6 System Simulation
Mechatronics Group B
16-MEX-B1 Signals & Communications
16-MEX-B2 Advanced Control Systems
16-MEX-B3 Advanced Control Systems
16-MEX-B4 Acoustics and Noise Control
16-MEX-B5 Robotics Mechanics
16-MEX-B6 Power Electronics and Drives
16-MEX-B7 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
16-MEX-B8 Product Design and Development
16-MEX-B9 Integrated Manufacturing Systems
16-MEX-B10 Power Systems and Machines
Metallurgical Group A
10-MET-A1 Metallurgical Thermodynamics
10-MET-A2 Metallurgical Rate Phenomena
10-MET-A3 Metal Extraction Processes
10-MET-A4 Structure of Materials
10-MET-A5 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
10-MET-A6 Thermal Treatment of Metals and Alloys
10-MET-A7 Corrosion and Oxidation
Metallurgical Group B
10-MET-B1 Mineral Processing
10-Met-B2 Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy
10-Met-B3 Ironmaking and Steelmaking
10-Met-B5 Metal Fabrication
10-MET-B6 Physical Metallurgy of Iron and Steel
10-MET-B7 Physical Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals & Alloys
10-MET-B9 Structure and Properties of Polymers
10-MET-B10 Advanced Electronic Materials
Naval Group A
16-NAV-A1 Fundamentals of Naval Architecture
16-NAV-A2 Hydrodynamics of Ships (I): Resistance and Propulsion
16-NAV-A3 Hydrodynamics of Ships (II): Ship Motion
16-NAV-A4 Ship Structure and Strength of Ships
16-NAV-A5 Ship Design
16-NAV-A6 Advanced Strength of Materials
Naval Group B
16-NAV-B1 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
98-MAR-B2 Environmental Control in Ships
16-Nav-B3 Small Commercial Ships
16-NAV-B4 Advanced Structural Analysis
16-NAV-B6 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
16-NAV-B7 Environmental Control in Ships
16-NAV-B9 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
16-NAV-B10 Finite Element Analysis
08-Nuc-A1 Introduction to Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Engineering
08-NUC-A6 Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation
08-NUC-A7 Process Dynamics and Control
08-NUC-B8 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
08-NUC-B9 Energy Conversion and Power Generation
08-NUC-B10 Fluid Machinery
08-NUC-B11 Power Systems and Machines
08-NUC-B12 Power Systems Engineering
Engineering Physics
Physics Group A
17-Phys-A1 Classical Mechanics
17-Phys-A2 Statistical Physics
17-PHYS-A3 Signals & Communications
17-PHYS-A4 Quantum Mechanics
17-PHYS-A5-A Electronic Materials and Devices
17-PHYS-A5-B Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
17-PHYS-A6 Solid State Physics
17-PHYS-A7 Optics
Physics Group B
17-Phys-B1 Radiation Physics
17-PHYS-B2 Electro-Optical Engineering
17-PHYS-B3 Digital Systems and Computers
17-PHYS-B4 Signals & Communications
17-PHYS-B5 Systems and Control
17-PHYS-B6 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
17-PHYS-B7 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
Structural Group A
07-STR-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
07-STR-A2 Elementary Structural Design
07-STR-A3 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
07-STR-A4 Advanced Structural Analysis
07-STR-A5 Advanced Structural Design
07-STR-A6-1 The Finite Element Method
07-Str-A6-3 Earthquake Engineering
Structural Group B
07-STR-B1 Geotechnical Design
07-STR-B2 Management of Construction
07-STR-B3 The Finite Element Method
07-Str-B5 Foundation Engineering
07-STR-B6 Building Engineering and Services
07-STR-B10 Earthquake Engineering
07-STR-B11 Hydraulic Engineering
07-Tra-A1 Introduction to Transportation Engineering
07-Tra-A2 Highway Design
07-TRA-A3 Traffic Engineering
07-Tra-A4 Pavement Materials, Design and Management
07-TRA-A6 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
07-Tra-B1 Transit System
07-TRA-B2 Intelligent Transportations Systems
07-Tra-B6 Highway Construction
07-TRA-B7 Transportation Economics
07-Tra-B9 Traffic Safety
07-TRA-B10 Geomatics
Water Resource
WRSE Group A
07-WRSE-A1 Water Quality & Management
07-WRSE-A2 Engineering Hydrology
07-WRSE-A3 Soil Mechanics & Groundwater
07-WRSE-A4 Hydraulic Engineering
07-WRSE-A6 Municipal and Environmental Engineering
07-Wrse-A7-1 Irrigation, Drainage and Erosion Control
07-WRSE-A7-2 Geomatics
WRSE Group B
07-WRSE-B1 Geomorphology & Pleistocene Geology
07-WRSE-B3 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
07-WRSE-B4 Open Channel Hydraulics
07-WRSE-B6 Contaminant Transport
07-WRSE-B11 Principles of Environmental Engineering
07-WRSE-B12 Environmental Assessment & Management Systems
Chemical Group A
16-CHEM-A1 Process Balances and Chemical Thermodynamics
16-CHEM-A2 Unit Operations and Separation Processes
16-Chem-A3 Heat and Mass Transfer
16-CHEM-A4 Chemical Reactor Engineering
16-CHEM-A5 Chemical Plant Design and Economics
16-CHEM-A6 Process Dynamics and Control
Chemical Group B
16-CHEM-B1 Transport Phenomena
16-CHEM-B2 Environmental Engineering
16-CHEM-B3 Simulation, Modelling, and Optimization
16-Chem-B4 Biochemical Engineering
16-CHEM-B5 Pulp and Paper Technology
16-CHEM-B6 Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
16-CHEM-B7 Extractive Metallurgy
16-CHEM-B8 Polymer Engineering
16-CHEM-B9 Advanced Materials
16-CHEM-B10 Life Cycle Assessment
16-CHEM-B12 (PEO) Corrosion and Oxidation
16-CHEM-B12 (APEGA) Petroleum Production Operations
16-CHEM-B13 (APEGA) Fundamental Reservoir Engineering
Civil Group A
16-CIV-A1 Elementary Structural Analysis
16-CIV-A2 Elementary Structural Design
16-CIV-A3 (NTE) Elementary Environmental Engineering
16-CIV-A3 (PEO) Municipal and Environmental Engineering
16-CIV-A4 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis
16-CIV-A5 Hydraulic Engineering
16-CIV-A6 Highway Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Civil Group B
16-CIV-B1 Advanced Structural Analysis
16-CIV-B2 Advanced Structural Design
16-CIV-B3 Geotechnical Design
16-CIV-B4 Engineering Hydrology
16-CIV-B5 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
16-CIV-B6 Urban and Regional Planning
16-CIV-B7 Transportation Planning and Engineering
16-CIV-B8 Management of Construction
16-CIV-B9 The Finite Element Method
16-CIV-B10 Traffic Engineering
16-CIV-B11 Structural Materials
16-Civ-B12 Risk & Safety in Civil Engineering
Electrical Group A
16-ELEC-A1 Circuits
16-ELEC-A2 Systems and Control
16-ELEC-A3 Signals & Communications
16-ELEC-A4 Digital Systems and Computers
16-ELEC-A5 Electronics
16-ELEC-A6 Power Systems and Machines
16-ELEC-A7 Electromagnetics
Electrical Group B
16-ELEC-B1 Digital Signal Processing
16-ELEC-B2 Advanced Control Systems
16-ELEC-B3 Digital Communications Systems
16-ELEC-B4 Information Technology Networks
16-ELEC-B5 Advanced Electronics
16-ELEC-B6 Integrated Circuit Engineering
16-ELEC-B7 Power Systems Engineering
16-ELEC-B8 Power Electronics and Drives
16-ELEC-B9 Electromagnetic Field, Transmission Lines, Antennas, and Radiation
16-ELEC-B10 Electro-Optical Engineering
Environmental Group A
18-ENV-A1 Principles of Environmental Engineering
18-ENV-A2 Hydrology and Municipal Hydraulics Engineering
18-Env-A3 Geotechnical & Hydrogeological Engineering
18-ENV-A4 Water and Wastewater Engineering
18-Env-A5 Air Quality and Pollution Control Engineering
18-Env-A6 Solid Waste Engineering & Management
Environmental Group B
18-Env-B1 Environmental Assessment & Management Systems
18-ENV-B2 Water Resources
18-Env-B3 Contaminant Transport
18-ENV-B4 Site Assessment and Remediation
18-ENV-B5 Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management
18-ENV-B6 Agricultural Waste Management
18-ENV-B7 Environmental Sampling and Analysis
18-Env-B8 Instrumentation and Process Control
18-ENV-B9 Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
Geological Group A
18-GEOL-A1 Mineralogy and Petrology
18-GEOL-A2 Hydrogeology
18-GEOL-A3 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
18-GEOL-A4 Structural Geology
18-Geol-A5 Rock Mechanics
18-GEOL-A6 Soil Mechanics
18-Geol-A7 Geophysics
Geological Group B
18-GEOL-B1 Contaminant Hydrogeology
18-Geol-B2 Terrain Analysis
18-GEOL-B3 Site Investigation
18-Geol-B4 Geomorphology & Pleistocene Geology
18-Geol-B5 Environmental Geology
18-GEOL-B6-1 Resource Geology Petroleum Deposit
18-Geol-B8 Resource Economics & Valuation
18-Geol-B9 Exploration & Mining Geology
18-Geol-B10-1 Gravity & Magnetic Fields
18-GEOL-B10-2 Electrical Methods
Industrial Group A
17-Ind-A1 Operations Research
17-Ind-A2 Analysis & Design of Work
17-Ind-A3 Facilities Planning
17-IND-A4 Production Management
17-Ind-A5 Quality Planning, Control, and Assurance
17-Ind-A6 System Simulation
Industrial Group B
17-IND-B1 Applied Probability and Statistics
17-IND-B2 Manufacturing Processes
17-IND-B3 Computer Aided Design and Computer-Assisted Manufacturing
17-Ind-B4 Design of Information Systems
17-Ind-B5 Ergonomics
17-Ind-B6 Workplace Design
17-IND-B7 Financial and Managerial Accounting
17-Ind-B8 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
17-Ind-B9 Logistics: Transportation Aspects
17-IND-B10 Industrial Safety and Health
Mechanical Group A
16-MEC-A1 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
16-MEC-A2 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines
16-MEC-A3 System Analysis and Control
16-MEC-A4 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements
16-MEC-A5 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
16-MEC-A6 (PEO) Advanced Fluid Mechanics
16-MEC-A6 (NTE) Fluid Machinery
16-MEC-A7 Advanced Strength of Materials
Mechanical Group B
16-MEC-B1 Advanced Machine Design
16-MEC-B2 Environmental Control in Buildings
16-Mec-B3 Energy Conversion and Power Generation
16-Mec-B4 Integrated Manufacturing Systems
16-MEC-B5 Product Design and Development
16-MEC-B6 (PEO) Fluid Machinery
16-MEC-B6 (NTE) Advanced Fluid Mechanics
16-MEC-B7 Aero and Space Flight
16-MEC-B8 Engineering Materials
16-MEC-B9 Advanced Engineering Structures
16-MEC-B10 Finite Element Analysis
16-MEC-B11 Acoustics and Noise Control
16-MEC-B12 Robotics Mechanics
16-MEC-B13 Biomechanics
Mining Group A
18-Mmp-A1 General Geology and Exploration
18-MMP-A4 Mine Evaluation and Mineral Resources Estimation
18-MMP-A5 Surface Mining Methods and Design
18-MMP-A6 Mining and the Environment
Mining Group B
18-MMP-B1 Applied Rock Mechanics
18-MMP-B2 Rock Fragmentation
18-MMP-B3 Material Handling
18-MMP-B4 Occupational Health, Safety and Loss Management
18-MMP-B5 Mill Design and Operations
18-MMP-B6 Mill Process Control
18-MMP-B8 Mine Management and Systems Analysis
18-MMP-B9 Rock Slope Engineering
Petroleum Group A
17-PET-A1 Principles of Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
17-PET-A2 Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
17-PET-A3 Fundamental Reservoir Engineering
17-PET-A4 Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Completion
17-PET-A5 Petroleum Production Operations
17-PET-A6 Reservoir Mechanics
17-PET-A7 Secondary and Enhanced Recovery
Petroleum Group B
17-PET-B1 Well Logging and Formation Evaluation
17-PET-B2 Natural Gas Engineering
17-PET-B3 Oil and Gas Evaluation and Economics
17-PET-B4 Petroleum Geology
17-PET-B5 Well Testing
Software Group A
19-SOFT-A1 Algorithms & Data Structures
19-Soft-A2 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
19-SOFT-A3 Software Design
19-SOFT-A5 Requirements and Specifications
19-SOFT-A6 Software Quality Assurance
19-SOFT-A7 Software Development Process
Software Group B
19-SOFT-B2 User interface
19-SOFT-B3 Security
19-Soft-B4 Dependable System
19-Soft-B5 Software Modeling & Verification (Formal Methods)
19-Soft-B7 Reverse Engineering, Maintenance & Evolution
19-Soft-B13 Performance Analysis & Simulation
19-Soft-B17 Programming Languages, Semantics and Implementation
Complementary Studies
11-CS-1 Engineering Economics
11-CS-2 Engineering in Society
11-CS-3 Sustainability, Engineering and the Environment
11-CS-4 Engineering Management
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