07-BLD-B7 Indoor Air Quality Bundle: Exam A, B & C

Two PEO/National exams plus one OIQ exams sold as a bundle. We recommend a minimum of three past technical exams for breadth of questions.


07-BLD-B7 Indoor Air Quality Exam A (May 2013) ***Pre-Order Only***

Please allow 10 days for delivery. A fully solved BLD-B7 exam with seven questions.


07-Bld-B7 Indoor Air Quality Exam B (May 2011) ***Pre-Order Only***

Please allow 10 days for delivery. A fully solved Bld-B7 technical exam with five required solutions plus two bonus solutions.


14-BA-B3 (OIQ) Indoor Air Quality Exam C (November 2020) ***Pre-Order Only***

Please allow 10 days for delivery. A fully solved OIQ BA-B3 technical exam with eight questions. The syllabus for this OIQ (Quebec) exam is the same as for the BLD-B7 …
