Wildfire Activity sign on a highway

There are subtle differences in the requirements and process to qualifying as a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) in Canada depending on the provincial regulator you qualify with. This article is intended to summarize some of these differences, especially with respect to technical exams.

Why You Need to Know About Inter-Provincial Mobility

The provincial regulator that may give you a path to a P. Eng. may not be in the same province where you live and work.

Thankfully, in 2015, The Canadian Free Trade Agreement (a treaty between provinces) made it possible for a P. Eng. to more or less automatically be approved for registration in another province in as little as two weeks.

This gives the applicant the freedom to complete the technical exams and qualify in any province that allows their application and then transfer into the province they live and work after qualifying as a P. Eng. The technical exams are even proctored online so where you live when you write them is not important.

When you transfer through interprovincial mobility, your academics and experience are not re-examined. So, if you live in Nova Scotia but don’t have 12 months of Canadian experience, then you can apply to EGBC and then transfer to Engineers Nova Scotia without the need for 12 months experience.

Many registration snags can be cleared simply by understanding the rules and writing your technical examinations.

Caution Against Pursuing the “Optimal” Path

Quite often people ask if they should abandon an application in hope of pursuing what they think may be easier requirements in another province.

This is generally a bad idea. You may lose a whole year just waiting on an answer. And the answer may in fact be more technical exams, not less.

What this article intends to address is those looking to find ANY path. If there is a path for you in the province where you live and work, that’s likely the best place for you to apply.

Usually the best thing to do is to simply attack the obstacles in your path. That’s why the CyberEd logo shows an exam candidate hurdling the obstacles and breaking through to P. Eng.

If the best course of action was to try to find the optimal path, I suppose the right logo would have been a maze.

Beware – A minotaur may block the “optimal” path.

Specifically, there is no advantage to abandoning a confirmatory program of four technical exams in favour of some alternative program. Four technical exams is not a great burden. People write four technical exams in one exam season while managing work and family obligations all the time.

Just forget “fair” and get to work. The last place you can expect “fair” is the regulators. This is a problem your work ethic can defeat – otherwise you never would have made it this far.

How the Provincial Regulator Requirements Compare

The table below summarizes how the provincial regulators compare. The summary includes links to the various provincial acts, regulations, bylaws and other information. It is important to fully understand the provincial regulator requirements before you apply. Some regulators are more transparent on what the actual requirements are than others so going to the legal framework in the province is valuable.

RegulatorAcceptance CriteriaNotes
EGBC (BC)P.L. Eng. bridging program:
– 10 years xp, 4 years as PL Eng.

4 years XP plus –
(I) a university-level bachelor’s degree in applied science or engineering…[plus technical exams]
(II) 4 years of full-time post-secondary education in applied science, engineering, geoscience, science, or technology…[plus technical exams]
P.L. Eng. bridging program:
– FE plus PE or other technical exams
-thesis / technical interview

– no Canadian XP required with one-day “Working in Canada” seminar. You do need to explain how your international XP is relatable to Canadian XP.
– popular w/ B.Tech. graduates
– technical exams and/or an interview
– generally will not let you write if > 9 technical exams.
– if you do not have 4+ years xp at time of application, you will have to complete 3 or more years xp after your exams (ouch!!!)
Engineers YukonAn applicant for registration as a professional
member shall meet the following qualifications before
being approved for registration:
(a) (i) a confirmed degree in Engineering from a
university program which is accredited by
the Canadian Engineering Accreditation
Board and is recognized by the Board of
Examiners, or
(ii) is a graduate of a program which the
Board of Examiners judges to be equivalent,
(iii) has at least four years experience in
Engineering acceptable to the Board of
Applications are processed by APEGA.
“Student” Applicant
(ii) has at least 2 years of post-secondary education…in areas that relate to the science or technology of engineering… together with
(A) one year of experience in work of an engineering or geoscientific nature acceptable to the Board of Examiners where the post-secondary education consists of an
engineering…technology program…, or
(B) 3 years of such work experience, where the
post-secondary education consists of education
other than such a program

“Examination Candidate” Applicant
(b) the applicant is a graduate of
(i) a university program in engineering…
(ii) a related academic program…
but the Board of Examiners has required the applicant to complete one or more confirmatory examinations or
examinations for the purpose of correcting a perceived
academic deficiency.
One year Canadian XP required.

“Students” with engineering technology diplomas (2 or 3 year) get 19 exams. Most science degree graduates are ~15 technical exams away but you must get to 12 or less or they will tell you to “go back to school!”. “Students” require eight years XP one of which must be after exams are complete to register as a P. Eng.

“Examination Candidates” need four years XP and have an assessment of 9 or less technical examinations.

Both categories may write the FE exam for credit of up to five technical exams.

(NWT & Nunavut)
3) An applicant for registration as a member or
licensee who is a graduate of a university program in
engineering or geoscience that has not been approved
by the Board of Examiners must, as a condition for
(a) pass examinations set by the Board; and
(b) have at least four years experience
satisfactory to the Board in the practice

(4) An applicant for registration as a member or
licensee who has not graduated from a university
program in engineering or geoscience must, as a
condition for registration,
(a) pass examinations set by the Board of
Examiners; and
(b) have at least six years experience
satisfactory to the Board of Examiners in
the practice of engineering or geoscience
Applications are processed by APEGA.
(i) in the case of a person who applies for registration as a professional engineer, a bachelor level university program of study in engineering recognized by the councilnon-CEAB programs may have three “confirmatory” technical exams or additional “deficiency” technical exams.
Technical exams must be completed in 4 years.
The FE exam can be used for credit against some technical exams.

Canadian non-CEAB programs, even programs with CEAB approval pending, are specifically locked out by Saskatchewan law. This law appears to be a clear violation of Section 15 Charter Rights.
A three or four year degree related to engineering or the equivalent– no minimum XP requirement
– no Canadian XP requirement
– no technical examinations

Three options for confirmatory program –
– Masters in engineering from any Canadian university
– FE exam (least effort)
– special uManitoba program

If you apply from outside Manitoba, they will ask you about relocation. Clear speedbump by stating you have no plans to relocate. They must accept your application – no residency requirement.

– “related to engineering” includes sciences like physics, geoscience, mathematics, etc.
– if you have a science degree plus a Canadian Masters of Engineering (or M.Sc. in engineering,etc.) degree then APEGM is the clear choice.
Applicants prior to May 15th, 2023:
– A three-year diploma in technology from a college of applied arts and technology; or
– A bachelor’s degree in a relevant science area; or
– Academic qualifications deemed by the Council to be equivalent to a diploma or degree

Applicants after May 15th, 2023:
A bachelor’s degree in an engineering program that is either accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB), or a bachelor’s degree in an engineering program that is included in the International Institutions and Degrees Database (IIDD) administered by Engineers Canada and the successful completion of a confirmatory examination program.
– 48 months XP required
– no Canadian XP required
– confirmatory program of 4 technical examinations for IIDD list applicants.

On May 15, 2023 PEO started to disallow all non-CEAB accredited programs if they are Canadian in origin.

PEO has admitted that their current standard has significant DEI issues and it may indeed be a violation of Section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

It seems likely that PEO will take corrective action and allow at least B.Tech. graduates access to technical examinations.
– OIQ has a separate technical examination program where exams are written in-person in French
– OIQ lets both Bachelors of Technology and Bachelors of Science graduates write the technical examinations.
-OIQ has a French language exam but you can defer this exam for three years if you come in through interprovincial mobility
(New Brunswick)
The academic requirements for entrance in the Register as a [P. Eng.] shall be satisfied by graduation from an accredited engineering program…
In the case of an applicant who has not graduated from a [CEAB accredited program] the Board may take steps
through examination, assessment, confirmation, or other testing to confirm academic requirements are satisfied.
The experience requirements…four years of relevant experience acceptable to the Board
– no Canadian XP required
– must be a resident of NB
Engineers Nova Scotia(a) has obtained a degree in engineering from a school, college or university, which degree is approved by the Council, and has had four years experience in engineering;
(b) has obtained a degree in science, other than engineering, from a school, college or university, which degree is approved by the Council, and has had four years experience in engineering;
(c) [other regulatory body – see bylaw text]
(d) has passed the examinations prescribed by the Council and has had sufficient number of years of experience in engineering to qualify such person in the opinion of the Council to practise professional engineering; or
(e) has had in the opinion of the Council outstanding experience in engineering.
– No Canadian XP required (EGBC model).

FE exam can be written instead of some technical exams.

Engineers PEIThe academic requirements for registration may be satisfied by graduation from an accredited engineering program or by satisfactory completion of a program of examinations…
Registration applicants who are graduates of an accredited engineering program shall have completed at least four years of engineering experience…
Any other applicants shall have completed at least
five years of engineering experience…
– 12 months of Canadian XP required

You must complete your technical exams by a date assigned to you.
You may have the option to write the FE exam or have it assigned to you.
(Newfoundland & Labrador)
(a) a degree in engineering or geoscience from a university program approved by the registration committee and at least 4 years of applicable work experience…
(b) academic qualifications equivalent to a degree in engineering or geoscience demonstrated by successful completion of the confirmatory examinations that may be required by the registration committee and at least 4 years of applicable work experience…subsequent to the attainment of those academic qualifications; or
(c) successfully completed the examinations that may be prescribed by the registration committee and have a total of at least 6 years of applicable work experience…one year of which shall be obtained subsequent to successful completion of the prescribed examinations.
– no Canadian XP requirement

If you are assigned technical exams, you enroll as an “Examination Candidate”.
Technical exams for non-CEAB applicants.

The PEGNL Registration Policy explains the program in detail.

You are expected to have a related post-secondary diploma or degree and those that would be assigned more than 9 technical exams are not normally admitted.