16-MEX-A1 System Analysis and Control

16-MEX-A2 Circuit and Electronics

16-MEX-A3 Digital Systems and Computers

16-MEX-A4 Applied Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer

16-MEX-A5 Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines

16-MEX-A6 System Simulation

16-MEX-B1 Signals & Communications

16-MEX-B2 Digital Signal Processing

16-MEX-B3 Advanced Control Systems

16-MEX-B4 Acoustics and Noise Control

16-MEX-B5 Robotics Mechanics

16-MEX-B6 Power Electronics and Drives

16-MEX-B7 Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements

16-MEX-B8 Product Design and Development

16-MEX-B9 Integrated Manufacturing Systems

16-MEX-B10 Power Systems and Machines